EM Test Switch

  • Assists the testing of emergency lighting in accordance with BS5266
  • Key activated with 4 pre-programmed test intervals; 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes & 180 minutes
  • Clear LED indication for duration test
  • Optional audio buzzer alert for completion of duration test
  • Compact design manufactured from antimicrobial material urea
  • 220-240vac Operation; 4A LED, 10A Incandescent, 6A Fluorescent

Technical Specifications

Power Supply 220~240vAC, 50/60Hz
Programming10, 30, 60, 180 minutes
Mounting Optional Flush or Surface
Current Rating16A
Switching Capacity 4 amp LED, 10 amp Incandescent, 6 amp Fluroescent
Dimensions86 x 86 x 33mm